Registration (new) Url Please provide us with the following information before proceeding to the payment page. Name, first name and affiliation will appear on your conference badge. Name * First Name * Affiliation * Email * Conferences you want to register to PPDP and LOPSTR PPDP only LOPSTR only Student registration * Yes, I am a student No, I am not a student In case you register as a student, you will be asked to upload a pdf file containing proof of your (PhD) student status. Please select the appropriate fields I would like to eat vegetarian meals I need an access card for the car parking (first come first served) I will be accompanied and will purchase additional lunch/excursion/dinner tickets on site Comments None Registration summary and payment Please check thoroughly the following data before hitting the Proceed to payment button below that will bring you to the university's online payment portal. Payment method * Online (preferred) By wire transfer I am entitled to a free registration (GRASCOMP Doctoral School PhD students only) Although payment through the online platform is the preferred and fastest method to get your registration effective, you can - alternatively - pay by (international) credit transfer. Please contact the local organiser for more information.