XVIII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation
Namur, Belgium, 11-13 September 2024



XVIII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation
Namur, Belgium, 11-13 September 2024

The International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation aims at bringing together researchers to present and share their results and ideas in a multidisciplinary context. The workshop provides a forum for the discussion of new research directions and applications in Artificial Life, Evolutionary Computation and in related fields, where different disciplines and research areas could effectively meet. It was first held in 2007 in Sampieri (Ragusa), as the incorporation of two separate workshops (WIVA and GSICE). After the success of the first edition, the workshop was organized in the following years in Venice (2008), Naples (2009), Parma (2012), Milan (2013), Vietri (2014), Bari (2015), Salerno (2016), Venice (2017), Parma (2018) and Rende (2019). After a covid-related gap year, it was organized in Winterthur, Switzerland (2021), Gaeta (2022), and Venice (2023).

The proceedings of WIVACE2024 are published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, which is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus.

For information, please contact  wivace2024@unamur.be


Contributions are solicited on a variety of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Bioinspired Algorithms
  • Bioinspired Robotics
  • Coevolution and Collective Behavior
  • Complex Systems
  • Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Evolutionary Approaches to Big Data and Big Data Streams
  • Evolutionary Learning Systems
  • Evolutionary Agents
  • Modeling and Simulation of Artificial and Natural Systems
  • Modeling and Simulation of Social and Economical Systems
  • Modeling of Business Intelligence Systems
  • Neural Computers
  • Neuroevolution: Improving Deep Learning with Evolutionary Computation
  • Self-organizing Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Socio-inspired Swarm Intelligence Algorithms
  • Synthetic and Systems Biology
  • Systems Chemistry
  • Theories and Applications of Artificial Life

Important dates

Abstract/paper submission deadline: 7 June 2024

extended to 14 June 2024

Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2024
Conference: 11-13 september 2024
Submission of post-conference version:18 October 2024
Workshop Registration fees
Unamur students: registration is free - 50€ (optional) to attend the social dinner
Non Unamur students: 200€ social dinner included
Regular: 300€ social dinner included

Instructions for authors

All submissions must be made electronically, and will be peer reviewed by members of the program committee. At least one author of each accepted work has to register for the conference and present her/his/their work. Submitted contributions must be written in English and prepared with Word or with LaTeX, using Springer's LaTeX style package for CCIS. Contributions may be submitted in one of the following forms:
  1. Full research papers (up to 12 pages, excluding references)
  2. Extended abstracts (1-4 pages, excluding references)
  3. Summaries of already published papers (1-4 pages, excluding references)
  • Accepted full research papers shall describe original unpublished work, and they will be included in the Proceedings volume (see below for details). Their authors will have to revise their paper (if requested) on the basis of reviewers' comments and they will be asked to send a camera ready version of their manuscripts soon after the end of the workshop
  • Accepted extended abstracts will be printed in a booklet which will be available at the conference. Their authors will be asked to develop them in a full paper, to be submitted soon after the end of the conference, which will be reviewed like full research papers and, if accepted, will be included in the Proceedings volume.
  • Accepted summaries of already published work will be printed in a booklet which will be available at the conference, and they will not be printed in the Proceedings volume. They should describe some results which are of particular relevance and interest for the Wivace community, where they will be the subject of short oral presentations.

The workshop proceedings will be published by Springer, in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, which is abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus.

Keynote speakers

Monika Scholz

Max-Planck Institute for Neurobiology, Germany
Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (caesar) Bonn, Germany

Abstract of talk
Animals need to forage for food while accounting for threats and opportunities in the environment. We investigate how multiple sensory cues are integrated during foraging decisions using nematodes as a model system. Nematodes have only 300 neurons, yet they are very effective at decision-making. Different species of nematodes adopt distinct feeding strategies, for example as either grazers that feed on bacteria or as predators that can prey on other nematodes. By investigating the behavior of both species we can compare how circuits underlying information processing have been shaped by evolution. This talk will focus on our work on using behavior, neuronal imaging and circuit manipulation to study conserved motifs that help computation in compact nervous systems.

Yara Khaluf

Information Technology Group, Wageningen University, The Netherland

Abstract of talk
In the evolving landscape of hybrid societies, the integration of animal-robot systems stands to significantly transform collective behaviors. The task of shepherding, which involves directing autonomous individuals towards a desired path, is critical in applications such as animal herding, crowd control, and evacuation protocols. By incorporating these capabilities into robotic systems, we aim to substantially enhance fish protection. This talk highlights our research on robot-fish hybrid societies, focusing on the methodologies and outcomes of guiding fish groups along predetermined safe paths.

Pietro Liò

Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, UK

Abstract of talk

In this talk I will focus on how to build a digital patient twin using graph and hypergraph representation learning and considering physiological (cardiovascular), clinical (inflammation) and molecular variables (multi omics and genetics). I will consider patient disease trajectories through the use of neural graph ODEs. I will discuss how these approaches could also keep the clinicians in the loop to avoid excessive automatisation using logic and network explainer frameworks.

Aldo Genovesio

Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, Università del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”, Novara, Italy

Abstract of talk
Information coding in the brain has been studied using a neurophysiological approach, mostly focusing on the information coding of single neurons or populations of neurons, without considering the coding of coordinated activity within neural assemblies. Moving from single neurons to assemblies of neurons with coordinated activity has demonstrated a richer flexibility in the involvement of neurons in multiple processes, with the same neuron able to contribute to encoding information when coordinated with one group of neurons and to another process when coordinated with another group. An assembly-oriented approach can be useful for studying the population dynamics of groups of neurons and investigating motifs of connectivity between neurons in different areas. Using this approach, we have found a neural substrate for what has been designed as population dynamic coding, focusing on goal-action transformation in the prefrontal cortex. Population of neurons that show dynamic coding are also reconfiguring their activity in different group of neurons. At the level of functional connectivity, we have identified a general principle of inter-areal connectivity: neurons that form reentrant loops between areas are also the hubs connecting with external brain areas.

Dewi Brunet

Dewi Origami, Belgium

Abstract of talk
Plantoid is an art-science collaboration between Dewi Brunet, artist specialised in folding and the team DEFROST of INRIA, specialised in soft robotic. Plants were the main inspiration for the project Plantoid. Often considered as decorative objects or resources, plants represent more than 80% of the terrestrial biomass and more and more scientists discover the multiple intelligence they have. Yet, they are largely ignored when designing biomimetic robots and our emotions towards this reign seems limited. Creating folded robots inspired by plants could be a first step to open new paths of sensitivity. More generally, the recent development of biomimetic robots is generating new aesthetics and relationships that reconsider the boundaries between living beings and machines. This project started in 2021 thanks to the residency program AIRLAB, organised by University of Lille. The artist continued this project in 2023 with the KIKK, followed by an exhibition at the Pavillon of Namur. In 2024, thanks to Ohme he joined the Brussels Institute for Advanced studies (BrIAS) on Sustainable Robotics. The artist will talk about this art-science project, its latest development and show a few oribotics.


General Chairs

Local Organizing Committee

Program committee

  • Baioletti Marco - Università degli Studi di Perugia (IT)
  • Birattari Mauro - ULB IRIDIA (BE)
  • Bredeche Nicolas - Sorbonne Université (FR)
  • Cagnoni Stefano - Univ. of Parma (IT)
  • Campo Alexandre - ULB (BE)
  • Caravagna Giulio - Università di Trieste (IT)
  • Chella Antonio - Università di Palermo (IT)
  • Cicirelli Franco - Dimes - Unical (IT)
  • Cilia Nicole Dalia - Università degli studi di Enna Kore
  • De Masi Giulia - Technology Innovation Institute (UAE)
  • De Stefano Claudio - Università di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale (IT)
  • Di Gaspero Luca - Università di Udine (IT)
  • Divina Federico - Universidad Pablo de Olavide (ES)
  • Dorigo Marco - Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
  • Eiben Gusz - VU Amsterdam (NL)
  • Faggian Alessia - Università degli studi di Trento (IT)
  • Fellermann Harold - Newcastle University (UK)
  • Ferrante Eliseo - VU Amsterdam (NL)
  • Filisetti Alessandro - Officinae Bio S.r.l. (IT)
  • Fontanella Francesco - DIEI, Università di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale (IT)
  • Frasca Mattia - Università di Catania (IT)
  • Fuchslin Rudolf Marcel - ZHAW School of Engineering (CH)
  • Giacobini Mario - Università di Torino (IT)
  • Giagkos Alexandros Aston University (UK)
  • Gigliotta Onofrio Università di Napoli Federico II (IT)
  • Graudenzi Alex IBFM-CNR (IT)
  • Guerrieri Antonio ICAR-CNR (IT)
  • Gutierrez Alvaro Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IT)
  • Hauert Sabine - Bristol Robotics Laboratory (UK)
  • Iacca Giovanni - University of Trento (IT)
  • Infantino Ignazio - CNR (IT)
  • Kaiser Tanja Katharina - TU Dresden (DE)
  • Labrosse Fred - Aberystwyth University (UK)
  • Liotta Antonio - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT)
  • Lombardo Gianfranco - Università di Parma (IT)
  • Manzoni Luca - Università di Trieste (IT)
  • Marangoni Roberto - Università di Pisa (IT)
  • Marocco Davide - Università di Napoli Federico II (IT)
  • Mauri Giancarlo - Università di Milano-Bicocca (IT)
  • Mauroy Alexandre - University of Namur (BE)
  • Medvet Eric - Università di Trieste (IT)
  • Nadizar Giorgia - Università di Trieste (IT)
  • Nolfi Stefano - ISTC CNR (IT)
  • Ognibene Dimitri - Univesrità di Milano Bicocca (IT)
  • Pavone Mario - Università di Catania (IT)
  • Pecori Riccardo - Universitas Mercatorum University (IT)
  • Pipe Anthony - Univesrity of Bristol (UK)
  • Reina Andreagiovanni - Univesrity of Konstanz (DE)
  • Righi Simone - Università di Venezia (IT)
  • Righi Riccardo - European Commission (BE)
  • Roli Andrea - Università di Bologna (IT)
  • Rossi Federico - Universitv di Siena (IT)
  • Scheidegger Stephan - ZHAW School of Engineering (CH)
  • Scotto di Freca Alessandra - Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (IT)
  • Sergeyev Yaroslav - Università della Calabria (IT)
  • Serra Roberto Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia (IT)
  • Slanzi Debora - European Centre for Living Technology (IT)
  • Socievole Annalisa - CNR ICAR (IT)
  • Spezzano Giandomenico - CNR (IT)
  • Stano Pasquale - Università del Salento(IT)
  • Stützle Thomas - Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE)
  • Terna Pietro - Università di Torino (IT)
  • Trendafilov Dari - Université de Namur (BE)
  • Trianni Vito - ISTC CNR (IT)
  • Vandewalle Nicolas - Université de Liège (BE)
  • Villani Marco - Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia (IT)
  • Vinci Andrea - ICAR CNR (IT)
  • Weyland Mathias - ZHAW School of Engineering (CH)
  • Wilson Myra - Aberystwyth Univesrity (UK)
  • Yli-Harja Olli - Tampere University of Technology (FI)


Workshop venue

The workshop takes place in Namur, at the University of Namur, in the Espace Amphithéâtre Pedro Arrupe (PA02), which can be accessed from:

  1. Rue Bruxelles, Faculty of Science, big gate entrance, and then through the building in front of the gate
  2. Rue Grandgagnage, little street on the left coming from Rue Bruxelles, just before the Library
  3. Rue Grafé, turning right just before the car park exit, coming from Rue Bruxelles
All three access points are signposted.



Namur offers several hotels and B &B that you can easily find on the Web.
WIVACE attendees can reserve rooms at the Hotel Tanneurs at special workshop rates. The Hotel has different types of accommodation, it is located in town at a walking distance from the University buildings and from the train station. We will provide attendees with the discount code upon registration to the workshop.

WIVACE24 program

Workshop program

The workshop program can be downloaded here